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Tomás Giorello

Comic Artist· Illustrator

Dc Comics, Dark Horse, Marvel Comics and more


With an incredibly detailed style and dynamism to his work that evokes comparisons to Barry Windsor Smith and the master Frank Frazetta, the lush tonal pencils of Tomás Giorello are truly a sight to behold!  While Tomas has worked on a variety of projects for DC Comics, Wizards of the Coast, and the Star Wars franchise (among others), it is his extensive work on the Conan titles for Dark Horse which has likely garnered the most attention (and deservedly so!).  Tomas is currently working on X-O Manowar for Valiant Comics.

Tomás works in tight, detailed pencils, with no inks applied.


To know more about Tomas ...

Par téléphone

+ 33 6 76 98 66 29

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