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Helen Sloan
Still photographer
Principal one on the HBO Game of Thrones's set
Helen Sloan is principle stills photographer of Game of Thrones Helen Sloan. She’s been on the Thrones set since day one, and has snapped innumerable beautiful images.
Sloan is a Belfast, Northern Ireland native who was always a photography nut. At the age of 11, she tool a job with a traveling circus to immortalize “melancholic portraits of clowns and acrobats.” She later worked in the low-budget Irish horror film industry, was eventually hired to cover the original Thrones pilot, and the rest is history. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy a photogenic trip down memory lane.
A movie producer encouraged Sloan to apply for the HBO set photographer gig, telling her “[L]ook, there’s this job coming into Belfast, and it’s got all kinds of wizards and a lot of the nerdy stuff that you’re into.” Though skeptical, she mailed her work portfolio to HBO in “a big solid leather-bound book. And, of course, that was a decade ago, and I managed to make it the whole way through without perishing.”
For more information on Helen ...